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Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite Meaning:


Orange Calcite is a highly energising and cleansing stone, especially with the lower chakras. It can help dissolve problems and maximise potential.


As it is a very multi-use crystal, you can wear it as jewellery or place it around the home/work as needed. It can also be used in a grid around your bed. It can also be used as a gem essence.


Orange Calcite belongs is most connected to the Sacral Chakra.

Sacral Chakra


Name in Sanskrit: Svadhisthana means the “dwelling place of the self”
Location: The lower abdomen below the tailbone (includes lower pelvis, womb, and genitals)
Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Signs of balance: Feelings of creativity, playfulness, and sensual and sexual pleasure 
Signs of imbalance: Addictive/compulsive behaviours, sexual dysfunction, fear of change, emotional instability. In the body, the sacral chakra connects with reproductive issues (infertility, impotence, or menstrual issues) and lower back, kidney, or stomach disorders.


The Svadhisthana chakra relates to the water element, and like water, the sacral energy controls fluidity, versatility, and freedom, whether sexual, emotional, or creative. When in balance, someone feels an abundance of creativity and pleasure. When out of balance, a person feels emotionally unstable, sexual dysfunction, and a lack of creative energy.

How to Cleanse and Clean Orange Calcite


As Orange Calcite is a delicate stone, it is best to use brown rice or a smudge stick to cleanse it. To cleanse by rice, immerse your crystal in brown rice for at least 48 hours to rid it of impurities and negative energies. For smudging, use a sage smudge stick and while burning the sage, transfer the sage to your nondominant hand and firmly grasp your stone and move it through the smoke. Allow the smoke to envelop the stone for about 30 seconds. If it's been a while since your last cleansing — or you feel the stone is holding onto a lot — consider smudging for an additional 30 seconds.


To physically clean your Orange Calcite, you can use a damp soft cloth to clean, just make sure to dry it properly afterwards.

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