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Carnelian Meaning:


There are two main colours of the Carnelian crystal: Orange and Red. For the Orange Carnelian, the physical benefits were said to help:


  • Aid Female Fertility, IVF & Artificial Insemination

  • PMS

  • Menstrual and Menopausal Symptoms

  • Kidneys

  • Colds

  • Cuts, Wounds

  • Blood Disorders

  • Heart Palpitations

  • Hay Fever

  • Recovery after Illness, Surgery, Accident or Trauma


Emotionally it can help overcome sexual anxieties, vaginismus, failure to reach orgasm and eating disorders.


Carnelian is the Zodiac Crystal for Virgo, Secondary birthstone for Taurus, Cancer, Leo and Aries. It is historically the birthstone for people in August.


The orange Carnelian belongs to the Sacral Chakra and red Carnelian belongs to the Root Chakra.

Sacral Chakra


Location: The lower abdomen below the tailbone (includes lower pelvis, womb, and genitals)
Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Signs of balance: Feelings of creativity, playfulness, and sensual and sexual pleasure 
Signs of imbalance: Addictive/compulsive behaviors, sexual dysfunction, fear of change, emotional instability. In the body, the sacral chakra connects with reproductive issues (infertility, impotence, or menstrual issues) and lower back, kidney, or stomach disorders.


The Svadhisthana chakra relates to the water element, and like water, the sacral energy controls fluidity, versatility, and freedom, whether sexual, emotional, or creative. When in balance, someone feels an abundance of creativity and pleasure. When out of balance, a person feels emotionally unstable, sexual dysfunction, and a lack of creative energy.

Root Chakra


Name in Sanskrit: Mula meaning “root” and Adhara meaning “support” or “base”
Location: The base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae.
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Signs of balance: Feelings of security, safety, and stability 
Signs of imbalance: Anxiety, nightmares, fear, pain in the feet and legs, weight gain (particularly in the bottom half of the body), feelings of disconnect or alienation


The root chakra corresponds to the earth element and to the roots we’ve planted, how strong they are, how deep they are, and how supportive they are. It consists of whatever grounds you to stability in your life. That includes basic needs like food, water, shelter, and safety as well as emotional needs like letting go of fear and anxiety. When in balance, we feel grounded and safe. When out of balance, we feel anxious, insecure, and vulnerable.

How to Cleanse and Clean Carnelian


Carnelian should be cleansed every week to keep it at its maximum potential. You can do this by running the stone under tepid water and drying it in the sun for about an hour.


Carnelian can be cleaned very easily using warm soapy water and a soft brush. Be sure to not use any other objects that are harder than Carnelian for scrubbing or cleaning.


As with most gemstones, you should not use any household chemicals when caring for or cleaning your Carnelian gemstone or gemstone jewellery pieces. Carnelian should not be exposed to prolonged periods of heat as it may cause permanent damage to the gemstone.

Want to add Carnelian to your collection?
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